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Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Volume 36
Main Index

Issue 1, Pgs 1-132, (January, 1981)

Magnetic and electrical properties in the defect perovskite system La1−xNaxFeO3−δ
Pages 1-8
Hiroshi Yamamura, Hajime Haneda, Shin-Ichi Shirasaki, Kou Takada
Studies on the compounds in Ba-Fe-S system. III. Phase relation of Ba1+xFe2S4 with infinitely adaptive structure
Pages 9-19
N. Nakayama, K. Kosuge, S. Kachi
About stannous fluoride SnF2. III. Thermal expansion
Pages 20-27
G. Dénès
Heat capacity measurements of MnxFe3−xO4
Pages 28-35
Keiji Naito, Hideaki Inaba, Haruyoshi Yagi
Observation of a phase transition in ThBr4 and ThCl4 single crystals by far-infrared and Raman spectroscopy study
Pages 36-44
S. Hubert, P. Delamoye, S. Lefrant, M. Lepostollec, M. Hussonnois
Crystal structure and charge carrier concentration of W18O49
Pages 45-51
K. Viswanathan, K. Brandt, E. Salje
Crystallography and phase relations of MeO-M2O3-TiO2 systems (Me = Fe, Mg, Ni; M = Al, Cr, Fe)
Pages 52-65
J. Hauck
Accommodation of oxygen loss in WO3 equilibrated with CO + CO2 buffers
Pages 66-73
Sven Berglund, Wubeshet Sahle
Electron microscope observation of lattice defects in the Fe-Cr σ-phase
Pages 74-80
Tsutomu Ishimasa, Yasuyuki Kitano, Yukitomo Komura
Structure de SnPb2O4 à quatre températures: relation entre dilatation et agitation thermiques
Pages 81-90
J.R. Gavarri, J.P. Vigouroux, G. Calvarin, A.W. Hewat
The investigation of sodium titanates by the hydrothermal reactions of TiO2 with NaOH
Pages 91-96
Mamoru Watanabe
Structural aspects of the metal-metal interactions in the Ti1+x S2 materials
Pages 97-106
E. Tronc, R. Moret
Structure cristalline de NaBaPO4
Pages 107-111
A.W. Kolsi, M. Quarton, W. Freundlich
Un nouveau matériau, Ag9GaSe6: Etude structurale de la phase α
Pages 112-117
Jean-Pierre Deloume, Rene Faure
Structure and properties of the new phase of the pseudo one-dimensional compound TaS3
Pages 118-123
A. Meerschaut, L. Guemas, J. Rouxel
Photoluminescence of Ba3W2O9: Confirmation of a structural principle
Pages 124-126
G. Blasse, G.J. Dirksen
Abstract of forthcoming article
Pages 127-132

Issue 2, Pgs 133-260, (February, 1981)

Growth of single phase, single crystals of V9O17
Pages 133-138
H. Kuwamoto, N. Otsuka, H. Sato
The structure of LaTaO4 at 300°C by neutron powder profile analysis
Pages 139-147
R.J. Cava, R.S. Roth
The crystal structure of Lu3S4: A new population wave structure
Pages 148-150
A.V. Hariharan, D.R. Powell, R.A. Jacobson, H.F. Franzen
Etude structurale des composés Fe0,25TiSe2 et Co0,25TiSe2 à cristaux maclés. Surstructures et degré d'ordre des lacunes
Pages 151-160
Y. Arnaud, M. Chevreton
Etude du pouvoir thermoélectrique des composés Cr3Se4−xTex (0 ≤ x ≤ 4)
Pages 161-170
G. Peix, D. Babot, M. Chevreton
The infrared spectra, phase transition, and structural properties of tetraethylammonium hexafluoroantimonate (C2H5)4NSbF6
Pages 171-178
W.H.J. De Beer, A.M. Heyns, P.W. Richter, J.B. Clark
High n-value phases in the complex bismuth oxides with layered structure, Bi2CaNan−2NbnO3n+3
Pages 179-182
Kunitaka Muramatsu, Masaji Shimazu, Junzo Tanaka, Shigeo Horiuchi
Structure cristalline de K2SO4(SbF3)2
Pages 183-189
Marie Bourgault, Bernard Ducourant, Bernard Bonnet, Robert Fourcade
The crystal and molecular structure of tris(ortho-aminobenzoato)aquoyttrium(III), Y(H2NC6H4COO)3 · H2O
Pages 190-194
Sharon M. Boudreau, Helmut M. Haendler
Crystal structure and pyroelectric coefficient of Co(IO3)2 and structural relationships among the anhydrous noncentrosymmetric 3d-transition metal lodates
Pages 195-204
C. Svensson, S.C. Abrahams, J.L. Bernstein
Le système Ba2Fe2O5-BaZnO2. I. Mise en évidence de trois nouvelles phases
Pages 205-213
Patrick Neu, Michel Zanne, Charles Gleitzer
Mise en évidence de l'entité Sb2F4O dans un composé d'addition moléculaire avec l'urée étude structurale de [(NH2)2CO]2,Sb2F4O
Pages 214-220
M. Bourgault, R. Fourcade, G. Mascherpa
Free energies of formation of metal-TCNQ anion radical salts
Pages 221-224
S. Aronson, J.S. Mittelman
The crystal structure of Mg51Zn20
Pages 225-233
Iwami Higashi, Nobuhiro Shiotani, M. Uda, Tadashi Mizoguchi, Hiroaki Katoh
Estimation of the standard entropy change on complete reduction of oxide MmOn
Pages 234-240
Tetsurō Nakamura
Preparation and photoelectronic properties of the system Cd2Ge1−xSixO4
Pages 241-245
Van Son Nguyen, Robert Kershaw, Kirby Dwight, Aaron Wold
Electrical and optical behavior of one-dimensional organic conductors at high pressures
Pages 246-254
Ichimin Shirotani, Akifumi Onodera, Hiroyuki Anzai
Letter to the editor about “Comments on the defect structure in wüstite”
Pages 255-256
J.R. Gavarri, D. Weigel, C. Carel
Neutron powder diffraction and magnetic measurements on RbTil3, RbVI3, and CsVI3: H. W. Zandbergen, Gorlaeus Laboratories, University of Leiden, P.O. Box 9502, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
Page 257
The resistivity and magnetic susceptibility of V3O5 single crystals: H. Jhans and J. M. Honig,∗ Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
Page 257
Forces de la liaison Te-O: Coordination et localisation de la paire libre de l'atome de tellure IV dans les tellurites: E. Philippot, Laboratoire de Chimie Minerale C, Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Place Eugene Bataillon, 34060 Montpellier, France
Page 257
Bidimensional magnetic properties of β-Sr2MnO4: J. C. Bouloux, J. L. Soubeyroux, G. Le Flem,∗ and P. Hagenmuller, Laboratoire de Chimie du Solide, Universite de Bordeaux I, 351 cours de la Liberation, 33405 Talence, France
Page 257
Le système BaFeO2.50-BaZnO2.II. Conductivité mixte et autres propriétés physiques: P. Neu, M. Zanne, C. Gleitzer,∗ and G. Dudley, Laboratoire de Chimie du Solide Minéral, Université de Nancy I, 54037 Nancy, France
Pages 257-258
Surface instability and nonstoichiometry of α-Fe2O3: J. H. W. DeWit,∗ A. F. Broersma, and M. Stroband, Inorganic Chemistry Department, University of Utrecht, Croesestraat 77A, 3522 AD Utrecht, The Netherlands
Page 258
Mössbauer studies of thiospinels. III. The system FeCr2S4-FeIn2S4: E. Riedel∗ and R. Karl, Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Technische Universität Berlin, D-1000 Berlin 12, Germany
Page 258
Mössbauer studies of thiospinels. IV. The system FeCr2S4-Fe3S4: E. Riedel∗ and R. Karl, Institute für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Technische Universität Berlin, D-1000 Berlin 12, Germany
Page 258
Crystal data and phase transitions of KLiWO4 and KLiMoO4: K. Okada∗ and J. Ossaka, Department of Inorganic Materials, Tokyo Institute of Technology, O-okayama, Meguro, Tokyo 152, Japan
Page 258
Champ de force et caracterisation des liaisons dans les niobates et tantalates de structure de type “blocs 1 × 2”: Y. Repelin,∗ E. Husson, and H. Brusset, Laboratoire de Chimie et Physico-Chimie Minerales, Institut de Chimie Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, 92290-Chatenay-Malabry, France
Page 258
Phenomenological and structural study of a low temperature phase transition in the PbZrO3-PbTiO3 system: A. Amin,∗ R. E. Newnham, L. E. Cross, and D. E. Cox, Materials Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
Pages 258-259
Synthesis and structure of an infinite chain form of ZrI2 (α): J. D. Corbett∗ and D. H. Guthrie, Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011
Page 259
Correlation of metal-metal bonding in halides and chalcides of the early transition elements with that in the metals: J. D. Corbett,∗ Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011
Page 259
Phase diagram and infrared spectral investigation of the 2TeO2·V2O5-Na2O·V2O5·2TeO2 system: Y. Dimitriev,∗ M. Arnaudov, and V. Dimitrov. Higher Institute of Chemical Technology, Sofia - 1156, Bulgaria
Page 259
Etude cristallochimique comparee et conductivite ionique des deux varietes Li2Te2O5 α et β: D. Cachau-Herreillat, A. Norbert, M. Maurin, and E. Philippot,∗ Laboratoire de Chimie Minerale C, ERA 314, Chimie des Materiaux, Universite des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Place Eugene Bataillon, 34060 Montpellier Cedex, France
Page 260
Etude du comportement du niobium IV et du titane III dans quelques oxydes a structure en cages du type A3M8O21.II. Proprietes electriques des solutions solides Ba3Nb4+xTi4−xO21, K3Nb7+xTi1−xO21, et K3−xBaxNb8O21: F. Studer, C. Mercey, D. Groult, J. M. Chailleux, and B. Raveau,∗ Groupe de Cristallographie et Chimie du Solide, L.A. 251 ISMRA, Universite de Caen, 14032 Caen Cedex, France
Page 260
Synthesis and crystal chemistry of BaNd2Ti3O10, BaNd2Ti5O14, and Nd4Ti9O24: D. Kolar, S. Gaberscek, B. Volavsek, H. S. Parker, and R. S. Roth,∗ National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234
Page 260
Phases AnnO3n+2 des systems La2Ti2O7-CaTiO3, Nd2Ti2O7-CaTiO3, et Ca2Nb2O7-CaTiO3: M. Nanot,∗ F. Queyroux, J. C. Gilles, and R. Portier, ESPCI-Laboratoire de Chimie du Solide Mineral, 10, rue Vauquelin 75231, Paris Cedex 05, France
Page 260
Lattice imaging of extended defects and related phases in polycrystalline Sr(Ba)Fe18O27 (ferrous-W): F. J. A. den Broeder,∗ Philips Research Laboratoires, 5600 MD, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Page 260

Issue 3, Pgs 261-389, (1 March, 1981)

Synthesis of rare earth monoxides
Pages 261-270
J.M. Leger, N. Yacoubi, J. Loriers
Solid solutions of Pb8M2(XO4)6 lead alkali apatites
Pages 271-274
I. Mayer, S. Cohen, J.R. Matalon
Phase relations and exsolution phenomena in the system NiOsingle bondTiO2
Pages 275-288
Thomas Armbruster
The isostructural γ-sulfur phase of selenium-sulfur, SenS8−n
Pages 289-296
Robert A. Boudreau, Helmut M. Haendler
De´termination pre´cise de la structure de la chiolite Na5Al3F14 ete´tude par R.P.E. de Na5Al3F14:Cr3+
Pages 297-304
C. Jacoboni, A. Leble, J.J. Rousseau
Quasi-chemical treatment of intermediate phases appearing in nonstoichiometric compounds
Pages 305-313
Jun Tateno
The system BaOsingle bondSnO2single bondFe2O3 with less than 50 mol% BaO at 1200°C in air, a crystallographic study
Pages 314-323
M.C. Cade´e, D.J.W. Ijdo
Synthesis of new luminescent materials activated with divalent samarium
Pages 324-330
A. Gros, F. Gaume, J.C. Gacon
Crystal growth and electrical properties of lithium, rubidium, and cesium molybdenum oxide bronzes
Pages 331-338
Pierre Strobel, Martha Greenblatt
Preparation and Mo¨ssbauer studies of (FeyNb1−y)1+xS2 compounds
Pages 339-348
Masataka Wakihara, Hirofumi Hinode, Masanori Abe, Masao Taniguchi
New members of a family of layered bismuth compounds
Pages 349-355
Hiroshi Kodama, Fujio Izumi, Akiteru Watanabe
Recherche d'une description structurale des de´compositions endothermique Solide 1 → Solide 2 + gaz. I. Structure cristalline de l'oxalate de baryum 2BaC2O4, H2O
Pages 356-364
J.C. Mutin, Y. Dusausoy, J. Protas
Electrochemistry of Na2SO4 (I) solid solutions with aliovalent cation substitution
Pages 365-370
H.H. Ho¨fer, W. Eysel, U. von Alpen
The structure of quartz at 25 and 590°C determined by neutron diffraction
Pages 371-380
A.F. Wright, M.S. Lehmann
Crystal structure of an ammonium phospho-chromate: (NH4)3PCr4O16
Pages 381-384
M.T. Averbuch-Pouchot, A. Durif, J.C. Guitel
The system GeO2single bondFeOsingle bondFe2O3 at 1000°C: E. Takayama, N. Kimizuka, K. Kato, H. Yamamura, and H. Haneda, National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials, Sakuramura, Niiharigun, Ibaraki, Japan-305
Page 385
The crystal structure of hydrogen cerium(III) sulfate hydrate, [H3O] [Ce(SO4)2] · H2O: B. M. Gatehouse, and A. Pring, Department of Chemistry, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia, 3168
Page 385
Structure relationships affecting the stability of A15 and Ti3P-type compounds: R. M. Waterstrat, American Dental Association Health Foundation Research Unit, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234
Page 385
Heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of the RFe2 compounds (R =Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu) over the temperature region 8 to 300 K: D. J. Germano, R. A. Butera, and K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260
Page 385
Preparation and structure refinement of KTi3TaO9 and K3TiTa7O21: B. M. Gatehouse and M. C. Nesbit, Department of Chemistry, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, 3168 Australia
Pages 385-386
Kinetics and mechanistic aspects of the reduction of chromium dioxide: R. Saez-Puche and M. A. Alario-Franco, Laboratoire de Cristallographie, CNRS 166 X, 38042 Grenoble Ce´dex, France
Page 386
Rare earth transition metal sulfides, LnMS3 (Ln =rare earth; M =transition metal): T. Murugesan, S. Ramesh, J. Gopalakrishnan, and C. N. R. Rao, Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 560012, India
Page 386
Kationenverteilungen in einigen Zinnspinell-Mischkristallen: G. Von Beckh, P. Zegreanu, and M. Tromel, Institut fur Anorganische Chemie der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitat, Niederurseler Hang, D-6000 Frankfurt a.M. 50, Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Page 386
Deuteron magnetic resonance and hydrogen bond network of ammonium trihydrogen selenite: I. S. Vinogradova, L. V. Kirensky Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences USSR, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, USSR
Page 386
Les differentes formes cristallines de Y3ReO8: Relations avec la structure fluorine: G. Baud, J.-P. Besse, R. Chevalier, and M. Gasperin, Equipe de Cristallographie et Physico-Chimie des Mate´riaux, associe´e au CNRS (ERA 897), Universite´de Clermont II, B.P. 45, 63170 Aubiere, France
Pages 386-387
Relation between the crystal structures of some salts of the type Me(OCOCH3)2·nH2O and their ability to form mixed crystals or double salts (Me2+ =Mg, Ca, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd): Chr. Balarew and D. Stoilova, Chemical Reagents and Preparations Laboratory, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia 1040, Bulgaria
Page 387
Neutron powder diffraction on RbCrI3 and magnetic measurements on RbCrI3 and sCrI3: H. W. Zandbergen and D. J. W. Ijdo, Gorlaeus Laboratories, University of Leiden, P.O. Box 9502, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
Page 387
Solid state reaction between p-benzoquinone and dihydroxybenzene: N. B. Singh and H. C. Singh, Department of Chemistry, Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur (U.P.), India
Page 387
Author index for volume 36
Pages 388-389